references and citations

Quotation(s) and/or direct reference(s) or use of outside material(s) by the author are cited/credited on the web page where said information appears. Otherwise, a secondary or tertiary resource may used to improve narrative accuracy. Intense effort has been made to properly credit and/or acknowledge outside information used herein. There is no intent to obscure or improperly use copyrighted information in the production of this work.

We thank these print publications and online sites as accurate and reliable sources of confirmation and clarification for ideas, concepts, and narratives appearing on this web site:

print publications

Foucault, Michael. The Order of Things "An Archaeology of Human Sciences." Vintage Books, 1994.

Hand, Karen. Magic Words and Language Patterns. ReMind Publishing, 2019.

Kandinsky, Wassily. Kandinsky "Complete Writings on Art." DaCapo Press, 1994.

Olderr, Steven. Symbolism: A Comprehensive Dictionary. Mc Farland & Company, 1986.

Olderr, Steven. Reverse Symbolism Dictionary: Symbols Listed by Subject. McFarland, 1992.

Suleiman, Susan. The Female Body in Western Culture "contemporary perspectives". Harvard University Press, 1986.

Walker, Barbara G. The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects. Harper & Row, 1988.

Wilber, Ken. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality "The Spirit of Evolution." Shambhala, 2000.

Williams, Raymond. Keywords: a vocabulary of culture and society. Oxford University Press, 1985.


A to Z Flowers | "Flower Meanings and Symbolism"
alphaDictionary | "Dr Goodword’s Office"
Aleteia | "Art and Culture"
APA Dictionary of Psychology
Aussie Sex Therapy | "List of Fetishes"

Blanketfort Uninhibited | "Kinks"

Color Meanings | "The Power and Symbolism of Colors"
Definition-Of | "Online Community Dictionary"

Fitsri | "yoga"
Freakypedia | "nonjudgmental index"

Glossaria | "Specialized glossaries of Arts, Sciences, Society, and Techniques"
Greens Dictionary of Slang | "Grose’s Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue Revised and Corrected"

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy | "A Peer-Reviewed Academic Resource"

JRank Science Encyclopedia | "Symbolism In The Visual Arts"

Kink Dictionary | "comprehensive glossary of kink and fetish related terms"
Kinkly | "Straight up Sex Talk With a Twist"

Merriam-Webster | "Dictionary and Thesaurus"
Minerals | "Complete Information Guide to Rocks, Minerals, and Gemstones"

Psychology Dictionary | "Professional Reference"
Psychology Today | "expert-authored information about psychology and mental health"
PsychMechanics | "mechanics of how the mind works"

Sexducates | "Sex Education Magazine"
Sex-Lexis | "Dictionary of Sexual Terms and Expressions"
Skills You Need | "Helping Develop Life Skills"
Slang Define | "a dictionary of English Slang"
SpeeLi | "Speedy Lists"
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy | "Archives"
SymbolSage | "Understanding the World Through Symbols and Mythology"

Wise Harsh | "BDSM Glossary"
Word Hippo | "word tools"
wordnik | "all the words"
WordSense | "Dictionary"

Yoga Journal | "Yoga Poses Sequences Philisophy Events"
Yogapedia | "Yoga, Meditation, and Life"


Additional online sources may have been used for verification of data or narrative, however they have been removed from this list because they no longer have a valid URL.