visual art collection
espressa | outdoor nude photo essay
special recognition artwork
2020 January 20: google
Wet Birthday Suit is the Number One link of more than 368-million pages and the Number One image for the google image search phrase "wet birthday suit natural light nude." Amanda Lynn was also the runner-up link for the same seacrh phrase on google.
2012 June: google
Wet Birthday Suit is the Number One image of over 90-million items for the google search phrase "wet art models."
2011 September: Fotocepelak Foto Galerie - Czech Republic
Wet Birthday Suit is selected for exhibition by curator Ladislav Cepelak.
2012 June: Moonbulk Gallery - France
June Moon is one of thirteen images comprising Full Moon, an original digital photographic art collection produced by visual artist Allio featured by Moonbulk Gallery, a French gallery for independent artists. Twelve digital photographic artworks were named for respective months' and the rare Blue Moon of the year. In all, thirteen nude figure models participated in the production of the thirteen visual artworks comprising this solo artist show. The exhibition begins in January 2012 and runs for at least one year.
Amanda Lynn first poses nude for art by Allio in 2011.