visual art collection
Vivente Tra i Morti | photo essay
special recognition artworks
2016-2018: 87 Galleries - International
catturata tredici from the Vivente Tra i Morti photo essay has been presented as part of a group exhibition at 87 independent galleries.
2016: 37 Galleries - International
pendulum / pendola from the Vivente Tra i Morti photo essay has been presented as part of a group exhibition at 37 independent galleries.
2016: 25 Galleries - International
Pedestal / piedistalla from the Vivente Tra i Morti photo essay has been presented as part of a group exhibition at 25 independent galleries.
2016: 21 Galleries - International
poggiare from the Vivente Tra i Morti photo essay has been presented as part of a group exhibition at 21 independent galleries.
2013 June 22: The Photography News Daily
AsEve from the Vivente Tra i Morti photo essay is featured art photography.
model online
Amber Lee first poses nude for Allio art in 2003.