Passione BodyTour
FCL - Altanta Georgia USA
Jecika Silvers
professional photomodel
first time posing nude for art
prima volta posare nuda per l'arte
Incanta | Passione per la Pelle Nuda
2016: 23 Galleries - International
Incanta has been presented as part of a curated group exhibition at 23 independent galleries.
2011 January: Fotocepelak Gallery - Czech Republic
Incanta is one of twelve Allio artworks selected for curated, feature exhibition.
2010 February 01: Graceful Nudes Gallery - Great Britain
Incanta is one of eleven photographic artworks by Allio featured in a solo exhibition.
2010 January 01: My Nightstand Gallery
Incanta is one of eleven photographic artworks by Allio featured in a solo exhibition as Sensual Photography.