allio art

Carmella Dominica

natural figure photomodel
nude muse

delta daring discovery natural nude bodytour by Allio of Caramella Domenica nude muse offer ornate openness natural nude bodytour by Allio of Caramella Domenica nude muse Allio black-and-white photograph of Caramella Domenica nude muse in natural lighting


visual art collections

braccia in alto | expressive topfree portraits

Sunlight Shadow | nude figure study in natural light

luce mista | natural light nude figures photo study

The Nude Body As Art | Natural Nude BodyTour


special recognition artworks


2020 April 27: Sketchpad Gallery - International
paurosa, monochrome self-pleasuring masturbatory symbolism in natural light, is presented as the International Art Study image of the day for advanced 2-D art students and practicing professional artists.

Sunlight Shadow

2020 January 20: google - online
Sunlight Shadow, the entire monochromatic nude figure study in natural light, is the first search result of over 1.5-million entries on google for the search terms "sunlight shadow nude muse." The first nine images in the google search gallery were also from the Sunlight Shadow study.

2020 January 20: bing yahoo duck duck go - online
Sunlight Shadow is also the number one link on bing, yahoo, and duck duck go for the same search phrase. Images in the photographic figure study include: scorteza, sfuzacoi, sjozeica, skrozexo, smaragde, spawekas, svanejoy, swarajez, synkarya, and szerkipa.


2020 January 20: google - online
skrozexo from the Sunlight Shadow nude figure study in natural light is the number one image in the google image search gallery for the for the search phrase "sunlight shadow nude muse." Eight other images from the study completed a sweep of the top nine positions in the image rankings. The overall collection is also the number one link of over 1.5-million entries on google for the same search terms.

2020 January 20: bing yahoo duck duck go - online
skrozexo of the Sunlight Shadow collection is also the number one link on bing, yahoo, and duck duck go for the same search phrase.


2018-2019: 16 Galleries - International
tradure from the luce mista nude figure photo study is presented as part of a curated group exhibition at 16 independent galleries.


2017-2018: 60 Galleries - International
capovolgere paradox resisting enclosure from the luce mista nude figure photo study is presented as part of a curated group exhibition at 60 independent galleries.


2016 September 18: i provide thee - online
allevare, a monochrome of natural mixed lighting resisting enclosure, appears as one of five curated Allio art images in the i provide thee rss online gallery.


2011 November 11: Poise Gallery
A digital reproduction of delta from the The Nude Body As Art Natural Nude BodyTour appears as a Nude Glamour virtual image of the day


2011 November 11: Poise Gallery
A digital reproduction of erupt from the The Nude Body As Art Natural Nude BodyTour appears as a Nude Glamour virtual image of the day


2011 January: Fotocepelak Gallery - Czech Republic
Glory is one of twelve Allio artworks selected for a curated exhibition.

Her Colorful Curves

2011 January 28: Poise Gallery
A digital reproduction of Her Colorful Curves appears as the Nude Glamour virtual image of the day



Carmella Dominica first poses nude for Allio in 2010.

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